Contagious Confidence!

“Every time you start a conversation there is potential for a life-changing moment to occur. Be brave, start a conversation that matters.”

On Tuesday, I spent the majority of the day traveling up to Andover Massachusetts. The trip was totally worth it, I had the opportunity to speak to the Merrimack Valley Collaborative and some of the consumers at American Training, the organization that hosted the event. I know it seems like a common theme but once again the audience was amazing. I presented for about 40 minutes and  the whole time I had everybody’s full attention. When a group of people show that much enthusiasm it only motivates me to do more. 

Sometimes all it takes is a slight shift of focus to become more positive. Yesterday there was a person in there named Kim after I was done presenting Kim opened up to me about her situation at home from the very beginning of our conversation I could tell she was discouraged. She was disappointed because she was  once able to do more for herself but because of her disability she is now more limited and has to ask for help.

I helped her shift her focus into something more positive. Instead of focusing on things you cannot do focus on the things you can do. When we were able to focus on more positive things Kim opened up to me about how she used to run track in the Special Olympics. I could immediately tell how proud she was of the medals she had earned over the years

I feel very fortunate to have been able to do that for Kim sometimes all it takes is a little positive encouragement and a shift a focus on to the good things in life. In moments like that you see how fast a person changes and a smile comes across their face. I could tell that Kim and everyone found an aspect of my presentation that applied  to their own life.
Moments like that make it all worthwhile it’s what it’s all about

Below are the links to my presentation


Part 2:

Part 3:

I also wanted to say thank you to the staff who helped make this possible you’re not only helping me move forward in my own life, you’re also helping me in my mission to help others. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart

Every time you start a conversation it has the potential to change somebody’s life! Stories can change lives! I want to give people the tools to inspire themselves and make a positive difference!

Thanks guys,

“Keep It Rollin

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